Contract management software

Why Cloud-Based Contract Management Software is the Way Forward

Businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline their operations. One area that is ripe for improvement is contract management, and cloud-based software is paving the way forward. With its many benefits—from greater accessibility to enhanced security—cloud-based contract management software is revolutionizing the way contracts are managed and executed. In this article, we will explore the reasons why businesses should consider cloud-based contract management software as the way forward.

What is cloud-based contract management software

Cloud-based contract management software is a system that enables companies to store, organize, track, and manage their contracts in a centralized location accessible through the internet. This type of software empowers teams to collaborate on contracts and speeds up the overall contract lifecycle. Here are some key points to explain what this software actually means:

  • The contracts are stored in the cloud, meaning they're uploaded and saved on the internet instead of on a physical server or computer.
  • Users can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for remote and flexible work.
  • The software offers different features, such as search functions for specific documents, searching for specific fields in contracts, and tracking versions, among others.
  • Cloud-based contract management software also has customizable features, such as adding specific metadata or permissions for users.
  • The software often has an audit trail feature that tracks all actions and changes made to the contract by all users. This helps to maintain transparency and accountability.
  • Some systems may offer artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) features, which can help streamline contract reviews, minimize human errors, and identify inconsistencies or non-compliance with regulations.

Overall, cloud-based contract management software replaces the traditional paper-based contract system with an efficient, automated process making teams more productive with organization and communication.

Benefits of cloud-based contract management software

Increased accessibility and mobility

Cloud-based contract management software allows users to access and manage contracts from anywhere and at any time through an internet connection. This means that users are no longer restricted to the physical location of their workplace or the devices they have at hand. They can access the software on their laptop, tablet or smartphone while on the go or from home – making it easy to work remotely and collaborate with team members, clients, and third-party vendors.

Whether it is reviewing contracts, adding new clauses, or initiating workflows – everything can be done from a single location that is accessible to all stakeholders in real-time. The cloud allows for seamless integration with other business tools such as email, CRM, and document storage, making data available instantly and facilitating better decision-making.

Increased accessibility and mobility not only improve productivity but also enhances the work-life balance of employees by offering a more flexible and remote way ofworking.

Improved collaboration and communication

Improved collaboration and communication are two key benefits of cloud-based contract management software. With traditional contract management, collaboration and communication may be limited, time-consuming, and inefficient. Here's how cloud-based contract management can improve them:

  • Collaboration: Cloud-based software allows multiple users to access and work on the same document simultaneously, regardless of location or time zone. This means teams can collaborate more efficiently, make real-time updates, and avoid confusion caused by version control issues.
  • Communication: Cloud-based contract management software offers a secure and central location for teams to communicate about contracts. They can provide feedback, ask questions, and address issues. Users can also receive notifications when changes are made to contracts, minimizing delays and missed deadlines.

Overall, cloud-based contract management software enables teams to collaborate and communicate in ways that are more efficient, organized, and secure, leading to better contract outcomes.

Better security and data protection

Cloud-based contract management software offers better security and data protection compared to traditional paper-based systems or on-premise software. Here's why:

  1. Data Encryption - Cloud-based contract management software providers use encryption to protect sensitive data like contract details and personal information from unauthorized access. Encrypted data is transmitted in a cipher text format, and only authorized personnel have the key to decrypt it.
  2. Secure Cloud Infrastructure - Providers use state-of-the-art security measures like firewalls, identity access management, and intrusion detection and prevention systems to protect users' data and ensure their privacy. These measures help protect against malicious activities like cyberattacks, data breaches, or unauthorized access.
  3. Automatic Backups and Updates - Cloud-based contract management software providers regularly backup customer data and run updates to security patches, bug fixes, and software upgrades to ensure data reliability and security.
  4. Restricted Access - Cloud-based contract management software allows companies to control who has access to what information and how it is used. Access can be restricted by roles or duties, data sensitivity, and geography-based access.
  5. Disaster Recovery - With a cloud-based contract management system, data and files are kept offsite, and providers offer automatic disaster recovery options. This means that companies can quickly recover data and files in case of emergencies like natural disasters or system failure.

By adopting cloud-based contract management software, companies can enjoy better security and data protection that traditional contract management systems cannot provide.

Cost-effective and scalable


  • Cloud-based contract management software cuts down on costs associated with traditional contract management such as paper, printing, and storage expenses.
  • Instead of purchasing physical servers and software, cloud-based solutions provide monthly or yearly subscription models that can be scaled up or down as required.
  • This means that businesses can avoid large upfront costs and only pay for the features they need.


  • Cloud-based contract management software allows for easy scalability as companies grow and requirements change.
  • Users can easily add or remove features, increase storage capacity, or upgrade to a higher tier plan as necessary.
  • This makes it easy for businesses to stay flexible and agile in a dynamic environment, without worrying about downtime or lost data.

Challenges with traditional contract management

Limited accessibility and mobility

Limited accessibility and mobility refers to the limitations placed on the ability to access and manage contracts when they are only available in physical form or on a single computer. This can be problematic in several ways:

  • Remote work: With many businesses adopting remote work practices, it can be challenging for employees to access physical files or a single computer, affecting their productivity.
  • Delayed response times: Without cloud-based software, employees might have to wait for a colleague or manager to return a physical document before they can proceed with a project or decision.
  • Risk of loss: Physical files can be lost, stolen, or damaged, leading to loss of data and increased risk to the company.
  • Compliance issues: Without an accessible and organized way to manage contracts, companies can risk non-compliance with regulations and legal requirements.

By utilizing cloud-based contract management software, businesses can overcome these limitations by providing secure and remote access to contracts from any device with an internet connection. This improves productivity, response times, data security, and compliance.

Lack of collaboration and communication tools

When it comes to traditional contract management, collaboration and communication are often limited due to various reasons, such as:

- Physical distance between teams and departments can make it difficult to share files and updates on the status of a contract.

- Slow and inefficient processes such as printing, scanning, and mailing documents can cause delays and miscommunications.

- Unorganized and inconsistent filing systems can lead to confusion and difficulty in locating necessary information.

- Lack of real-time updates and notifications can lead to missed deadlines and potential legal risks.

Overall, traditional contract management methods make it challenging for teams to work together seamlessly and efficiently, leading to increased frustration and the potential for errors. Cloud-based contract management software addresses these issues by providing a centralized platform for all stakeholders to collaborate and communicate effectively with customizable workflows, automatic notifications, and real-time updates.

Security concerns with physical files

Physical files, such as paper contracts and documents, pose several security concerns that can result in legal and financial repercussions for the organization. The vulnerable nature of physical files increases the risk of loss, theft, damage, or unauthorized access. Misplacing a contract can lead to missed deadlines or lost opportunities, while theft can lead to sensitive information being exposed to unauthorized parties.

Additionally, the ability to physically access a file makes it difficult to control who has access to it, and confidentiality breaches can put an organization at risk for litigation or regulatory penalties. Moving towards a cloud-based contract management system can eliminate these concerns and provide more robust security measures to ensure the confidential information remains safe.

Limited scalability and high costs

When it comes to traditional contract management systems, one of the biggest challenges is scalability and cost. These systems require significant overhead costs to maintain physical files, including office space, storage, and personnel to manage the files. As a business grows and produces more contracts, the costs of these traditional systems can increase significantly.

Furthermore, limited scalability means that the system may not be able to accommodate a growing business. This means a business may need to invest in a larger system or find a new vendor to manage their contracts, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

Overall, traditional contract management systems can become a financial burden for businesses as they grow, limiting their scalability and leading to high costs. Cloud-based contract management software, on the other hand, provides a scalable solution that can grow with the business without incurring significant overhead costs.

Example of cloud-based contract management software

An example of cloud-based contract management software is ContractWorks. This software is built specifically to help businesses manage their contracts more efficiently and effectively. ContractWorks offers a range of features and tools that help users store, organize, and manage their contracts in the cloud. Some of the key features of ContractWorks include:

  • Document storage and organization: ContractWorks allows users to store their contracts in the cloud, making them easily accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. The software also offers customizable folders and tags to help users organize their contracts in a way that makes sense for their business.
  • Automated alerts and reminders: ContractWorks sends automated alerts and reminders to users when contracts are approaching their expiration or renewal dates. This helps businesses stay on top of their contracts and avoid missed deadlines.
  • Collaboration tools: With ContractWorks, users can invite team members and external stakeholders to collaborate on contracts in a secure and controlled environment. The software also offers a full audit trail to help businesses track changes and updates to their contracts.
  • Reporting and analytics: ContractWorks provides a set of reporting and analytics tools that allow businesses to gain insights into their contract data. Users can generate reports on contract status, expiration dates, and other important metrics.

Overall, ContractWorks is an example of cloud-based contract management software that offers businesses a range of benefits as compared to traditional contract management methods. By moving to a cloud-based system, businesses can improve their efficiency, security, and collaboration, while also reducing costs and increasing scalability.

Over to you

Cloud-based contract management software is the future of efficient and productive contract management. The software offers various benefits such as improved accessibility, cost efficiency, security, customization, and seamless collaboration among stakeholders.

Additionally, it alleviates issues associated with traditional paper-based contract management such as slow processing, inefficiency, and mismanagement of documents. Cloud-based contract management software can be accessed from any device with an internet connection offering ease of access and flexibility. It enables organizations to streamline their contracting processes and reduces the time, effort, and cost associated with managing contracts. With the help of this software, contracts can be signed, stored, and managed electronically, making it easier for stakeholders to track and access them when needed.

Overall, cloud-based contract management software optimizes contract lifecycle management and helps organizations enhance their productivity and efficiency.