Business contract automation

Streamline Your Business with Contract Automation: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of getting bogged down in paperwork and manual labor? Do you wish there was an easier way to manage your business contracts? Look no further than contract automation. By utilizing contract automation software, you can streamline your business processes and free up your valuable time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about contract automation and how it can benefit your business.

From choosing the right software to implementing automation processes, you will have a step-by-step roadmap to modernizing and optimizing your business operations. So, let's get started and discover the power of contract automation.

What is Contract Automation?

Contract automation is the process of using technology to create, manage, and execute contracts automatically. It can streamline the entire contract lifecycle from drafting to signing and even renewing. Here's what you need to know about contract automation:

  • The process is automated through software tools that can use pre-defined templates, workflows, and approval processes.
  • It reduces the need for manual intervention and speeds up the preparation and completion of the contract.
  • Changes and amendments can be tracked, audited, and approved within the software tool.
  • It can ensure compliance and reduce the risk of errors.
  • It allows for greater collaboration between parties involved in the contract.
  • It can be used for different kinds of contracts including NDAs, vendor agreements, employment contracts, and more.
  • It saves time and money by reducing the time spent on administrative tasks related to contracts.
  • It results in more accurate and efficient contract management.
  • It increases visibility into the contract and can improve overall business productivity and efficiency.

The Benefits of Contract Automation

Contract automation has numerous benefits, including:

  • Time savings: Automating contract workflows reduces the time spent on manual tasks such as data entry, document creation, approval routing, and reminders.
  • Cost savings: Automating contracts eliminates the need for manual processes such as printing, mailing, and storing physical documents. It also reduces the risk of human error and legal disputes, which can save money in the long run.
  • Consistency and accuracy: Automated contracts ensure consistency and accuracy in all aspects of the contract process, from template creation to data management.
  • Improved collaboration: Contract automation allows for better collaboration between teams, departments, and stakeholders, as everyone has access to the same contract data and can easily collaborate online.
  • Increased visibility: Automated contract management provides real-time visibility into contract status, performance, and compliance, helping businesses make informed decisions about contract management.
  • Better compliance: Automated contracts help ensure compliance with internal policies, external regulations, and contractual obligations. It also creates an audit trail of all activities related to the contract.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Contract automation leads to faster contract turnaround times, improved accuracy, and better communication with customers. This enhances the customer experience and helps build stronger relationships.

Overall, contract automation streamlines contract processes, increases efficiency, and saves time and money, allowing businesses to focus on growth and success.

How to Implement Contract Automation in Your Business

Identify Your Contract Processes

Identifying your contract processes is essential before implementing contract automation in your business. This step involves reviewing your current contract procedures to determine where automation can bring improvement. You should document your company’s workflows and identify any issues that may cause delays, errors, or inconsistencies in your contracts.

Consider who in your company is responsible for each step, what tools they use, what information is required, and how stakeholders sign offon each contract. Once you have these key elements mapped out, you can begin to identify areas for automation improvement. A good contract automation tool should help you streamline and optimize your contract processes.

Choose the Right Contract Automation Tool

When choosing a contract automation tool, keep in mind the following points:

  1. Define your requirements: Decide on the specific features your business needs in a contract automation tool, such as document assembly, document storage, contract tracking, e-signatures, etc.
  2. Budget: Choose a tool that aligns with your budget. Contract automation tools have varied pricing, with some being free while others have premium plans.

  1. User Interface: Select a tool that is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even if your team has no prior knowledge of automation tools.
  2. Compatibility: Check if the tool integrates with other applications that your business currently uses, for example, CRM or accounting software. Choose a tool that will require minimal integration effort.
  3. Security: Pick a tool that offers secure document storage and transmission settings. Check the tool's data protection policies and their security certifications.
  4. Feedback and Support: Choose a tool that offers excellent customer support, including help forums, articles, guides, and in-app support. Check for product reviews from the tool users to know what they think of the tool.

Overall, choose a contract automation tool that fits your business's need, budget, and provides a user-friendly interface, secure data transmission and storage, and excellent customer support.

Configure Your Automation Tool

Configuring your automation tool is the process of setting up your tool to work according to your business needs. This step is crucial to ensure that your contract processes run smoothly. Here are some tips to help you configure your automation tool effectively:

  • Customization: Adjust your tool's settings to suit your business requirements. This includes creating custom fields, workflows, and rules.
  • Integrations: Check if your tool integrates with other platforms you use. Integrations with CRM, ERP, or document management tools can help streamline your processes.
  • Security: Ensure that your tool has robust security measures in place to safeguard your contracts, such as encryption, secure database storage, and user access controls.
  • Testing: Test your automation tool's performance to make sure it works correctly. Conducting tests will help you identify any issues and fix them before you start using the tool.
  • Data Analysis: Track and analyze your data using your automation tool's reporting features. This helps you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in your contract processes.

By configuring your automation tool carefully, you can set up your workflows to work more efficiently and reduce errors in your contracts.

Train Your Team

Training your team is an essential step in implementing contract automation in your business. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. Schedule a training session: Schedule a training session for everyone involved in the contract process, including contract managers, legal teams, sales teams, and other stakeholders.
  2. Explain the benefits: Explain the benefits of contract automation and how it can increase efficiency and productivity in your business.
  3. Demonstrate the automation tool: Demonstrate the contract automation tool and how it works. Show them how to create and manage contracts, how to use templates, and how to send them for approval.
  4. Address questions and concerns: Address any questions and concerns the team may have about contract automation. Give them time to ask questions and provide support and resources they may need.
  5. Role-playing: Role-play the contract automation process with the team, to help them get familiar with the process.
  6. Ongoing training: Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that the team is comfortable with the contract automation tool and that they can use it effectively.
  7. Encourage feedback: Encourage feedback from the team about the contract automation process. Use their feedback to improve the process and the automation tool to continuously improve the experience for everyone involved.

Best Practices for Contract Automation

Standardize Contract Templates

Standardizing contract templates refers to creating a uniform format and structure for all contracts within the organization. This means defining the essential terms, conditions and clauses that all contracts must include. The goal is to develop a consistent language and design that simplifies contract review and ensures that all parties understand the terms. By creating a standard contract framework, businesses can avoid costly and time-consuming negotiations and disputes that can arise from poorly-written or inconsistent contracts.

To standardize contract templates, businesses should first define the essential elements of their contracts and prioritize them based on their importance. This may include legal, technical, and payment terms, termination clauses, and intellectual property rights, among other things.

Once the essential elements have been identified, businesses should create standard templates that include these elements. Organizations may use contract management software with pre-set templates or create their own from scratch.

The standard templates should be accessible to all contract stakeholders, who should be trained on how to use them properly. This will ensure that all contracts are consistent in content, language, and format.

By standardizing contract templates, organizations can reduce contract review time, minimize errors and inconsistencies, and avoid contract disputes, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

Establish Contract Approval Workflows

Establishing contract approval workflows involves setting up a process where contracts go through a series of checks and balances to ensure that they are aligned with the company's policies and guidelines. This includes identifying who needs to approve each contract, what type of review each contract requires, and what documents should accompany the contract.

Once processes are in place, it's important to track the contract's progress through the workflow and make sure they are meeting the designated timeline. Typically, larger businesses require a more complex approval workflow while smaller businesses may require a streamlined workflow.

One way to simplify a complicated approval workflow is to use an automated contract management tool that provides notifications when a contract needs to be reviewed or approved. This tool can also provide an electronic signature to complete a contract.

By establishing a contract approval workflow, businesses streamline the process from end-to-end, which reduces errors, improves transparency, and ensures overall compliance with standards.

Monitor Contract Performance

After automating your contract processes, it's important to monitor contract performance to ensure that everything is working as intended. This means keeping track of contract execution, ensuring that all parties are meeting their obligations, and extracting insights to improve contract management in the future.

To effectively monitor contract performance, you should set up a system that tracks metrics like contract execution times, contract renewals, and milestones. This can help you easily identify contracts that are in danger of being breached or those that need to be renegotiated.

It's also important to keep communication channels open and transparent, and set up automatic notifications for upcoming deadlines. This can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Finally, use the insights you gather from monitoring contract performance to refine your contract management processes. Consider conducting regular contract audits and reviewing your documentation and contracts to identify areas for improvement.

By monitoring contract performance regularly, you can ensure that your automated contract processes are delivering the desired outcomes and continually refine them to make them more efficient.

Update Your Contract Library

Updating your contract library is an essential task that requires regular attention. It involves keeping your contracts up-to-date with any changes in laws or regulations that affect your business. You should also review your contract templates periodically to make sure they reflect your current business needs and practices.

To update your contract library, start by reviewing your existing contracts to identify any outdated or irrelevant language. Remove any clauses that are no longer necessary or that may contradict current laws and regulations. You can also revise existing clauses to make them clearer or more precise.

Next, update your contract templates to reflect any changes in your business processes or legal requirements. This will ensure that your contracts are accurate and comprehensive, and that they reflect your current business practices.

Finally, make sure your team is aware of any updates to your contract library, and that they have access to the most recent versions of your contract templates. This will help your team to stay up-to-date and ensure that they are using the correct contracts for each situation.

In summary, updating your contract library is an important task that can help to streamline your contract management process and minimize risks for your business. By regularly reviewing and updating your contracts, you can ensure that they are accurate, comprehensive, and compliant with current laws and regulations.

Common Contract Automation Use Cases and Examples

NDA and Confidentiality Agreements

NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and Confidentiality Agreements are documents that outline the terms and conditions for sharing sensitive and confidential information between two or more parties.

These agreements are critical for businesses, especially those that deal with proprietary information, trade secrets, and intellectual property.

NDAs and Confidentiality Agreements are typically used when companies want to work collaboratively on a project or share confidential data with other entities. Such agreements ensure that the information disclosed remains confidential and is not shared with others without prior approval.

Some common examples of situations in which NDAs and Confidentiality Agreements may be used include product development, vendor partnerships, and merger and acquisition discussions.

To streamline the process of creating and managing NDAs and Confidentiality Agreements, businesses can use contract automation tools. These tools automate the creation, storage, and tracking of such agreements, saving time and reducing the risk of errors or omissions.

Sales Contracts

Sales contracts are legal agreements that define the terms under which a seller agrees to deliver goods or services to a buyer in exchange for payment. Here are some points to further explain sales contracts:

  • Sales contracts can cover a variety of transactions, from one-time purchases of physical products to ongoing delivery of services.
  • They typically include details such as the price of the goods/services, payment terms, delivery timeframes, warranties, and intellectual property rights.
  • Sales contracts may also specify the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, including delivery and acceptance standards, liability limits, and dispute resolution processes.
  • The terms of a sales contract can be negotiated and customized to meet the specific needs of both parties involved.
  • Electronic signature tools and contract automation software can streamline the creation, negotiation, and management of sales contracts, reducing the time and effort required to finalize deals.
  • Sales contracts are crucial for protecting the interests of both buyers and sellers, ensuring that expectations are clear and that both parties are held accountable for complying with the terms of the agreement.

Employment Contracts

An employment contract is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms and conditions of their working relationship. It sets out the rights and obligations of both parties and specifies the nature and duration of employment, salary or wages, benefits and bonuses, job title and description, performance expectations, working hours, leave entitlements, termination, and dispute resolution procedures.

The purpose of an employment contract is to provide clarity and certainty to both employers and employees about their mutual obligations and expectations. It helps to avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and potential legal liabilities.

Employment contracts are particularly important for high-level employees, executives, and those in specialized positions where there may be a need for confidentiality or non-compete clauses. It is also essential for employers to ensure that their employment contracts are compliant with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

When creating an employment contract, it is crucial to ensure that all terms are clearly defined and mutually agreed upon. Both parties must have the opportunity to review and seek legal advice if necessary before signing the contract.

Overall, an employment contract is an essential tool for streamlining and clarifying the employment relationship between employers and employees.

Vendor Contracts

Vendor contracts are legal agreements between a company and a vendor that specify the terms and conditions of a business relationship, including payment terms, delivery schedules, and other contractual obligations. These types of contracts are important for businesses that rely on vendors for the supply of goods or services.

When a business partners with a vendor, it is essential to establish clear expectations for both parties. A vendor contract can include details such as the type and quality of goods or services to be delivered, pricing, warranties, and termination clauses.

It's important to note that vendor contracts can be complex and require careful attention to ensure that they are legally binding and enforceable. Additionally, businesses should carefully review contract terms to ensure that they are getting the best value from their vendors and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Overall, vendor contracts are a key component of any business's procurement and supply chain management strategies. They help to ensure that businesses can effectively negotiate with vendors, establish clear expectations and protections, and ultimately work together to achieve shared goals.

Contract Automation Tools Comparison

Features and Benefits

"Features and Benefits" is a term that refers to the characteristics and advantages of a product or service. It is important to understand the features of a product in order to gauge its usefulness, but it is equally as important to understand the benefits of a product to understand consumer value. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Features are the specific functionalities and attributes of a product or service. These could include things like customization options, software integrations, or contract templates.
  • Benefits refer to the ways in which features positively affect the user experience or their business operations. For example, a contract automation tool's feature of easily customizable templates benefits users by saving them time and effort in creating contracts from scratch.

Some key points when considering the features and benefits of a product or service are:

  • Features should always be aligned with benefits in order to create a compelling value proposition for consumers.
  • Benefits are ultimately what will motivate consumers to purchase a product. Explain how specific features solve pain points or make the user experience better.
  • Be concise in your presentation of features and benefits to avoid overwhelming consumers with information.
  • Prioritize the most important features and their corresponding benefits. This may vary depending on the target audience.
  • Consider how features and benefits compare to competitors' products to differentiate and stand out.

By focusing on the features and benefits of a product or service, a business can more effectively market to its target audience and demonstrate value to potential customers.


In the context of contract automation tools, pricing refers to the cost of using the software. Different tools have varying pricing models, but most commonly, they charge on a subscription basis, either annually or monthly. Some providers may offer a free trial or a limited version of the tool for free.

When comparing pricing among different tools, it's important to consider what features are included in each plan. Some providers may offer a basic plan with limited features and charge extra for more advanced functionalities. Others may offer a more comprehensive package upfront at a higher cost.

It's important to identify the needs of your business and evaluate which pricing model aligns with your budget and requirements. You should also take note of any hidden costs, such as additional fees for implementing the tool or customer support. Overall, understanding the pricing of contract automation tools can help you make an informed decision and choose a provider that offers the best value for money.

Pros and Cons

When comparing contract automation tools, it is important to consider their pros and cons. This means examining the advantages and disadvantages of each tool. Some pros of contract automation tools may include increased efficiency, streamlined workflows, and reduced errors. However, there may also be cons, such as limitations in customization or potential security risks.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons of each tool to determine which will be the best fit for your business needs. Some tools may have more pros than others, while some may have more cons. Additionally, the same pros and cons may have different levels of importance depending on your business size, industry, and specific needs.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each contract automation tool to ensure that you are investing in the right solution for your business. This can help you make the most of contract automation and help your business grow and thrive in the future.

Key takeaways

"Streamline Your Business with Contract Automation: A Comprehensive Guide" is a guide that provides valuable insights into the benefits of automation for businesses of all sizes. The article outlines how automation can reduce errors, increase efficiency, and save time and money. The guide also includes a breakdown of how to automate different parts of contract management, including contract drafting, review, approval, and signature collection.

The article emphasizes the importance of choosing the right automation software and provides recommendations for different types of businesses.

Additionally, the guide details how automation can help businesses stay compliant with regulations and improve collaboration between departments.

Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how contract automation can transform the way businesses operate.