Contract management software

Contract management software vs manual contract management: which is right for you?

Are you tired of sifting through piles of paper contracts and spending countless hours manually managing them? It might be time to explore the world of contract management software. But is it really worth the investment, or is manual contract management still the way to go? Let's take a closer look at both options and explore which one might be right for you and your business.

What is Contract Management Software?

Contract management software is a digital solution designed to streamline and automate the contract management process. It offers a centralized platform for creating, storing, approving, and tracking all contracts, from initial negotiations to final signature.

These software solutions feature a range of robust features to simplify the entire contract lifecycle, including contract creation and editing tools, templates, digital signatures, and automated workflows.

In addition, contract management software provides critical contract insights in real-time, such as upcoming renewals, milestones, and key performance indicators. This data can help businesses make data-driven decisions and improve their overall contract management processes.

Overall, contract management software can assist businesses in reducing errors, improving contract visibility and compliance, enhancing communication, and saving time and money.

The Pros and Cons of Contract Management Software


Pros of contract management software include:

  1. Increased efficiency: Contract management software automates many tasks, reducing the amount of time and effort required to manage contracts.
  2. Automation of tasks: With contract management software, tasks such as contract approvals, renewals, and reminders are automated, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up time for staff.
  3. Better organization: Contract management software provides a centralized location for all contracts and related documents, making it easier to manage and track them. It also allows for easy searching and retrieving of contract information.

Overall, contract management software can help businesses save time and money by streamlining and improving their contract management processes.

Increased Efficiency

Contract management software can increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes. This means that users can manage a larger volume of contracts in less time compared to manual contract management. For instance, a software can automatically alert users of important contract deadlines or renewal dates and help track deliverables. It can also automate the process of creating new contracts by automatically filling in contract templates with key data.

By reducing the time spent on these tasks and minimizing errors, users can focus on higher-value tasks, such as negotiating better contract terms or analyzing contract data to improve decision-making. Essentially, contract management software can help businesses be more productive and achieve better outcomes from their contracting activities.

Automation of Tasks

Automation of tasks refers to the ability of contract management software to perform repetitive and time-consuming tasks automatically. For instance, when a contract expires, the software can automatically notify you to renew it or terminate the agreement. This eliminates the need for you to manually track expiration dates and reminders.

Additionally, the software can automatically generate reports, alerts and emails or even edit documents based on your pre-set preferences. This means that you won't have to spend hours on the same task every day, freeing up time for more important work. In summary, automation of tasks helps to increase efficiency, accuracy and save time by eliminating human error, repetition, and delay.

Better Organization


Contract management software:

  • Cost: some companies may not have the budget to invest in expensive software.
  • Learning curve: implementing new software requires training, which can take time and distract from other tasks.
  • Requires technical knowledge: using software often requires some degree of technical skill that not everyone possesses.

Manual contract management:

  • Limited organization: manual management systems can quickly become disorganized, leading to errors and wasted time.
  • Time-consuming: manually managing contracts involves more manual work, which can be time-consuming.
  • No automation: manual systems don't have the same level of automation as software, meaning more work for employees.

Hopefully, this helps to explain some of the potential drawbacks of both approaches.


When we talk about "Cost" in the context of contract management, we are referring to the financial expense that comes with implementing a contract management solution. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  • Contract management software can be expensive, particularly for smaller organizations with limited budgets.
  • Many solutions require a subscription fee or a per-user fee, which can quickly add up.
  • In addition to the cost of the software itself, organizations may need to invest in hardware or technical support to ensure the solution runs smoothly.
  • Nevertheless, it is important to consider the potential cost savings that come with using a contract management system. By streamlining processes and reducing the risk of errors or missed deadlines, a good system can help an organization save money in the long run.

Learning Curve

The learning curve refers to the amount of time and effort it takes for someone to become proficient in using a new tool or software. It implies that there is a certain amount of effort required to learn how to properly use the tool, and that it may take time to become comfortable with its different features and functionalities.

The learning curve can vary depending on the complexity of the tool or software being used. In the case of contract management software, the learning curve may be more significant than in other software applications due to the many features and functions involved.

This challenge can be mitigated by taking advantage of the resources made available by the software vendor or the contract management team implementing the software. Documentations, training, videos, customer support, and other similar resources can significantly reduce the amount of time and effort needed to learn how to use the software effectively.

Requires Technical Knowledge

When it comes to using contract management software, some technical knowledge is required. This means that the user should have a basic understanding of how the software works and be able to navigate its interface. The software may require some setup and configuration, which also requires technical expertise.

Additionally, if the software encounters any issues or glitches, resolving them may require technical support or troubleshooting, which is beyond the scope of non-technical users. Therefore, if you do not have any technical knowledge, you may need to invest time and money into training or hiring technical personnel to help you with the software.

Manual Contract Management: Pros and Cons


Pros of Contract Management Software:

  • Increased Efficiency: Contract management software automates many tasks, including contract creation, tracking deadlines, and sending reminders. This leads to less time spent on administrative tasks and more time spent on other important tasks.
  • Automation of Tasks: With software, many tasks, such as contract creation, approval processes, and tracking changes, can be automated. This leads to fewer errors and a more efficient contracting process.
  • Better Organization: With software, all contracts are stored in a central location, making them easily accessible, searchable, and sortable. This means less time spent searching for contracts and increased organization overall.

No Cost

When we talk about the "no cost" aspect of manual contract management, we are referring to the fact that it doesn't require any financial investment. You don't have to purchase any software. Instead, you can simply use paper documents, excel spreadsheets, and a filing cabinet.

This can be beneficial for businesses that have a limited budget or those that don't want to invest in contract management software. However, it's important to note that while there may be no direct financial cost, there are still indirect costs associated with manual contract management. For example, the time spent on manual processes is often greater than with contract management software, which can ultimately result in lost productivity and efficiency.

Furthermore, there are also risks associated with manual contract management, such as the potential for misplaced or lost documents, errors in manual data entry, and difficulty in tracking contract deadlines and renewals.

Overall, while the "no cost" aspect of manual contract management may seem attractive, it's important to weigh the potential indirect costs and risks before making a decision.

Familiar Process

Manual contract management can be familiar to businesses because it is a process that has been used for a long time. Some businesses find manual contract management to be more comfortable because they are more accustomed to the traditional paper-based process than transitioning to a software program.

Here are some key points that explain the familiarity of manual contract management:

  • Paper-based processes are easy to understand and use
  • Manual contract management is a long-standing tradition in many industries
  • Many employees are used to working with physical documents
  • The process of printing, signing, and filing documents is well-understood

However, while manual contract management may be familiar, it can also lead to problems. As businesses grow and become more complex, manual management can become time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. Therefore, businesses must weigh up the benefits and drawbacks of manual contract management to decide whether it is the right option for them.

Still Effective


Cons of Contract Management Software:

  1. Cost: Contract management software may be expensive, especially for small businesses.
  2. Learning Curve: Implementing new software can be difficult and may require additional training for employees.
  3. Requires Technical Knowledge: Managing the software may require technical knowledge, which some employees may not possess.

Cons of Manual Contract Management:

  1. Limited Organization: Manual contract management systems can lead to confusion and disorganization, making it difficult to find and manage important documents.
  2. Time-consuming: Manual contract management is a time-consuming process involving many steps, from creating contracts to organizing them.
  3. No Automation: Manual contract management systems do not offer any automation tools, such as automatic notifications or alerts, which may result in missed deadlines or overlooked contract details.

Limited Organization

Limited organization refers to the challenges and limitations that arise when using a manual contract management process. This includes the lack of a centralized database for storing and accessing contracts, which can result in misplaced or lost documents. Without a proper system in place, it can be difficult to track important contract milestones, such as renewal dates or payment deadlines, and to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are notified.

Additionally, manual contract management may require a significant amount of physical storage space and may be prone to errors or inconsistencies due to the manual input of information. These limitations can lead to delays, errors, and missed opportunities within the contract management process.


Manual contract management can be a time-consuming process. This is because it involves many manual steps, such as printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents. Each of these steps takes time and can add up over the course of a single contract. Furthermore, manual contract management often involves a lot of back-and-forth communication between parties, which can also be time-consuming.

If any changes need to be made to the contract, this can add additional time to the process, as the contract must be revised and reviewed again. All of these factors can cause manual contract management to become cumbersome and take up valuable time for businesses.

No Automation

Manual contract management refers to the process of managing contracts without using any software or automated tool. One of the biggest disadvantages of manual contract management is that it lacks automation, which means that all tasks, including reminders, notifications, and tracking, must be performed manually.

Without automation, there is a greater risk of errors and inconsistencies in contract management. Manually tracking renewal dates, contract terms, and supplier obligations can be time-consuming, tedious, and prone to error.

In contrast, contract management software provides automated reminders and notifications for critical contract dates, alerts for non-compliance, and streamlines the entire procurement process. This frees up valuable time and resources by automating many of the manual tasks associated with contract management.

Therefore, if an organization is dealing with a large number of contracts or needs to manage complex supplier relationships, it may be more efficient to use contract management software rather than rely on a manual process.

Which is Right for You: Choosing Between Contract Management Software and Manual Contract Management

When choosing between contract management software and manual contract management, there are several factors to consider that will help determine which option is right for you and your business. Here are some tips to help in your decision-making process:

  1. Evaluate your business needs: Consider the volume, complexity, and importance of the contracts you manage.
  2. Assess your budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend and compare the cost of software against the cost of manual management.
  3. Analyze your existing processes: Review your current contract management methods and assess the benefits and drawbacks.
  4. Consider the level of automation: Determine how much automation you need and consider whether the software can provide the level of automation required.
  5. Assess technical expertise: Evaluate your technical capabilities and consider whether you have the skillset required to implement and use the software.
  6. Consider your future growth: Consider whether your business may expand in the future and whether the software can grow with your organization.
  7. Consult with experts: Consider consulting experts in contract management software who can help you assess your requirements and suggest the right solution.
  8. Make an informed decision: After evaluating all the above factors, carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option and make an informed decision.

Ultimately, the choice between contract management software and manual management comes down to your business requirements, budget, technical capabilities, and growth potential. By carefully considering all these factors, you'll be able to determine which option is the best fit for your organization.

Over to you

Contract management is a vital aspect of businesses today. The process involves creating, executing, and managing contracts between businesses, suppliers, and customers. Contract management can be done manually or using software, which can automate the entire process.

In this article, we discuss the differences between manual and software-based contract management. Manual contract management requires human effort and can be time-consuming, but it is ideal for small businesses or those with simple contract needs. On the other hand, software-based contract management is useful for businesses with a high volume of complex contracts, as it automates the process and provides valuable data analytics. Ultimately, the decision to use manual or software-based contract management depends on the size and complexity of the business's contracts.